Power Bi Onenote

Power BI detects each column's data type from the OneNote metadata retrieved by the connector. Power BI records your modifications to the query in the Applied Steps section, adjusting the underlying data retrieval query that is executed to the remote OneNote data. When you click Close and Apply, Power BI executes the data retrieval query. Create add-ins for OneNote. Extend OneNote functionality with OneNote add-ins through the Microsoft Graph. To import and visualize your OneNote data in the Power BI service, add a Connect Cloud API user, add OneNote OData endpoints in Connect Cloud, and create & publish a dataset from Power BI Desktop to the service. Add a Connect Cloud User Create a User to connect to OneNote from Power BI through Connect Cloud. Click Users - Add.

The CData Power BI Connector for OneNote seamlessly integrates with the tools and wizards in Power BI, including the real-time data workflows on PowerBI.com. Follow the steps below to publish reports to PowerBI.com and use the Power BI Gateway to configure automatic refresh.

Create a DSN

Installing the Power BI Connector creates a DSN (data source name) called CData Power BI OneNote. This the name of the DSN that Power BI uses to request a connection to the data source. Configure the DSN by filling in the required connection properties.

You can use the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a new DSN or configure (and rename) an existing DSN: From the Start menu, enter 'ODBC Data Sources.' Ensure that you run the version of the ODBC Administrator that corresponds to the bitness of your Power BI Desktop installation (32-bit or 64-bit).

OneNote uses the OAuth authentication standard. To authenticate using OAuth, you will need to create an app to obtain the OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and CallbackURL connection properties. See the Help documentation for more information.

Get OneNote Data

With the data source configured, follow the steps below to load data from OneNote tables into a dataset.

Select Tables and Views to Load

  1. Open Power BI Desktop and click Get Data -> CData OneNote.
  2. Select CData Power BI OneNote in the Data Source Name menu and select the Import data connectivity mode.
  3. Expand the CData Power BI OneNote folder, expand an associated schema folder, and select tables.

Shaping Data

Use the Query Editor if you need more control over the query and query results before you load the data. Power BI detects the column behavior from the OneNote metadata retrieved by the CData connector. In the Query Editor, you can perform actions like filtering, summarizing, and sorting on columns.

To open the Query Editor, click Edit in the Navigator window. Right-click a row to filter the rows. Right-click a column header to perform actions like the following:

  • Change column data types
  • Remove a column
  • Group by columns

Power BI records your query modifications in the Applied Steps section, adjusting the underlying data retrieval query that is executed to the remote OneNote data.

Load Data

When you click Load, the connector executes the underlying query to OneNote.

Create Data Visualizations

After loading OneNote data into Power BI, you can create data visualizations in the Report view by dragging fields from the Fields pane onto the canvas. Follow the steps below to create a pie chart:

  1. Select the pie chart icon in the Visualizations pane.
  2. Select a dimension in the Fields pane: for example, Id.
  3. Select a measure in the Fields pane: for example, notebook_displayName.

You can change sort options by clicking the ellipsis (...) button for the chart. Options to select the sort column and change the sort order are displayed.

You can use both highlighting and filtering to focus on data. Filtering removes unfocused data from visualizations; highlighting dims unfocused data. You can highlight fields by clicking them:

You can apply filters at the page level, at the report level, or to a single visualization by dragging fields onto the Filters pane. To filter on the field value, select one of the values that are displayed in the Filters pane.

Click Refresh to synchronize your report with any changes to the data.

Configure Data Refresh on PowerBI.com

Follow the steps below to configure automatic data refresh through the Power BI Gateway. The gateway enables the Power BI cloud service to connect to the DSN on your machine.

Selecting a Gateway Mode

You need to select a gateway mode when you install the gateway:

  • Gateway (personal mode): Use the gateway in personal mode if you only need to publish to PowerBI.com and refresh reports. The gateway runs under your Windows user account.
  • Gateway (formerly Enterprise): Use the default gateway if you are using other Azure services that require a gateway. You also need the default gateway if multiple users need to access the gateway.
    You need a system DSN to connect through the default gateway. (System DSNs can be accessed system-wide, while user DSNs can only be used by a specific user account.) You can use the CData Power BI OneNote system DSN configured as the last step of the connector installation.

Configuring the Gateway (Personal Mode)

Publishing through the gateway in personal mode simply requires an installed gateway with access to custom connectors.

Power Bi Onenote
  1. Run the CData Power BI Connector installer. If you have not already done so, download the Power BI Gateway.
  2. Select the on-premises data gateway (personal mode) option.
  3. Sign into the gateway.
  4. Name the gateway and specify a recovery key.
  5. In the Connectors section of the gateway settings, enable the custom data connectors option. You can also specify an alternate path to the custom data connector .mez files here.
    Note: The CData Power BI Connectors install the .mez files to the default folder, Your User HomeDocumentsPower BI DesktopCustom Connectors.

Configuring the Gateway

Publishing through the gateway requires an installed gateway with access to customer connectors and a configured connection to the DSN for OneNote from PowerBI.com

1. Set Up the Gateway

Follow the steps below to configure the gateway on your machine:

  1. Run the CData Power BI Connector installer. If you have not already done so, download the Power BI Gateway.
  2. Select the on-premises data gateway (recommended) option.
  3. Sign into the gateway.
  4. Name the gateway and specify a recovery key.
  5. In the Connectors step, choose a folder where the gateway will look for the CData Power BI Connector. This article uses C:UsersPBIEgwServiceDocumentsPower BI DesktopCustom Connectors. Copy the .mez files for the CData Connector (found in C:UsersUSERNAMEDocumentsPower BI DesktopCustom Connectors) to the folder you configured.

    NOTE: The account configured for the service (NT SERVICEPBIEgwService) needs to be able to access the folder chosen for the gateway. If needed, you can change the service account in the Service Settings section of the gateway installer.

  6. Confirm that the entry CData.PowerBI.OneNote is displayed in the list in the Connectors section.

2. Connect to OneNote Data from PowerBI.com

  1. Add a data source to the gateway: Log into PowerBI.com and from the Settings menu, select Manage Gateways and select your gateway.
  2. Select the option to 'Allow user's custom data connectors to refresh through this gateway cluster.'
  3. Click Apply to save your changes.
  4. Click the option to add a data source to the gateway.
  5. In the Data Source Settings section, enter a name for the data source and in the Data Source Type menu select CData Power BI Connector for OneNote.
  6. In the Data Source Name box that is displayed, enter the system DSN: CData Power BI OneNote.

Publish to PowerBI.com

You can now publish refreshable reports and their underlying datasets. Follow the steps below to publish and complete the data refresh configuration for a dataset.

  1. In Power BI Desktop, click Publish on the Home ribbon to publish the report.
  2. On PowerBI.com, select the workspace where you uploaded the report.
  3. In the Datasets section, click the options menu for the OneNote dataset you created, then click Settings.
  4. In the Gateway Connection section, enable the option to use a gateway and select your gateway.
  5. If you are using the gateway in personal mode, expand the Data Source Credentials node and click Edit Credentials -> Sign In. (This step is not necessary if you are using the default gateway.)

Refresh a Dataset

Refresh the dataset to provide the current data to your reports.

  • To refresh manually, open the dataset options menu from your workspace -> Datasets and click Refresh Now.
  • To schedule refreshes, open the dataset options menu from your workspace -> Datasets and click Schedule Refresh. Enable the option to keep your data up to date. Specify the refresh frequency in the menus.
  • In Report view, click Refresh to sync the report with the dataset as you work.

As a distributed workforce becomes the norm, more organizations are relying on Microsoft Teams to enable remote work and keep employees in sync. This articles outlines options for sharing and collaborating on interactive Power BI content in Microsoft Teams channels and chats.

  • With the Power BI tab for Microsoft Teams, you can embed interactive reports in Microsoft Teams channels and chats. The Power BI tab helps your colleagues find your team's data and discuss the data within your team channels.
  • Create a link preview when you paste a link to your reports, dashboards, and apps into the Microsoft Teams message box. The link preview shows information about the link.
  • Use Chat in Microsoft Teams when viewing reports and dashboards in the Power BI service to quickly start conversations in Microsoft Teams.
  • Use the Power BI app in Microsoft Teams to bring your entire basic Power BI service experience into Microsoft Teams.


Power Bi Onenote

In general, for Power BI to work in Microsoft Teams, ensure these elements:

  • Your users have a Power BI Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license, or the report is contained in a Power BI Premium capacity (EM or P SKU) with a Power BI license.
  • Users have signed in to the Power BI service to activate their Power BI license.
  • Users meet the requirements to use the Power BI tab in Microsoft Teams.

Grant access to reports

Power Bi Onenote Download

Embedding a report in Microsoft Teams or sending a link to an item doesn't automatically give users permission to view the report. You need to allow users to view the report in Power BI. You can use a Microsoft 365 Group for your team to make it easier.


Make sure to review who can see the report within the Power BI service and grant access to those not listed.

One way to ensure everyone in a team has access to reports is to place the reports in a single workspace and give the Microsoft 365 Group for your team access.

Share with external users

You can integrate a Power BI report in Teams and share it with external users. Here are the steps to follow.

  1. You invite the external user to the organization, and they accept your invitation. See Distribute Power BI content to external guest users using Azure Active Directory B2B for details.
  2. Give the external user permission on the report. Individual permissions assignment works best.
  3. Make sure the external user has a Power BI license assigned to them. If the content is in a Premium capacity, the user only needs a Free license. If not, the user can sign up for an individual free trial of Power BI Pro or get a Premium Per User (PPU) license.

Known issues and limitations

  • Power BI doesn't support the same localized languages that Microsoft Teams does. As a result, you might not see proper localization within the embedded report.
  • Power BI dashboards can't be embedded in the Power BI tab for Microsoft Teams.
  • Users without a Power BI license or permission to access the report see a 'Content is not available' message.
  • You might have issues if you use Internet Explorer 10.
  • URL filters aren't supported with the Power BI tab for Microsoft Teams.
  • In national clouds, the new Power BI tab isn't available. An older version might be available that doesn't support the new workspace experience or reports in Power BI apps.
  • After you save the tab, you can't change the tab name through the tab settings. Use the Rename option to change it.
  • Link previews don't work in meeting chat or private channels.

Microsoft Power Platform in Microsoft Teams

Embed Power Bi Onenote

The other Microsoft Power Platform apps also integrate with Microsoft Teams.

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Embed Power Bi In Onenote

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