Excel Web

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

With Microsoft 365, work within an Excel file from mobile, desktop, and web. 2 Make analog spreadsheets digital with a camera click You now can add data to Excel directly from a photo. Select Data Get & Transform From Web. Press CTRL+V to paste the URL into the text box, and then select OK. In the Navigator pane, under Display Options, select the Results table. Power Query will preview it for you in the Table View pane on the right. Excel for the web Organize your data in familiar spreadsheets and workbooks, with all changes saved automatically. Create modern visuals that turn numbers into valuable insights. Work together in real time knowing that everyone is on the same page. Import Data from Excel: Easily import data into your Caspio account in various formats including Excel Workbooks, comma-separated values (CSV), delimited text, fixed-width text, Microsoft Access, and XML. Generate Interactive Web-Based Reports: Once you import your data into Caspio, the point-and-click wizards will guide you through the process of creating real-time reports for deployment to. In Excel, go to the Web Services section (if you are in the Predict section, click the back arrow to go to the list of web services). Click Add Web Service. Paste the URL into the Excel add-in text box labeled URL. Paste the API/Primary key into the text box labeled API key.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

Turn Excel Spreadsheets into Applications

Use our new AI interface to create web application in a few clicks.

It was incredibly easy to convert the tool into a web application. The process was smooth beyond my expectation. I had a working application in the matter of a couple of days. It just blew me away. If I went with my original developer from my last product, it would have been in the range of tens of thousands of dollars to build the application.

I spent a few hours, and were able to get the application pretty close. Then, I had some help from the SpreadsheetWeb team to fix it up, and it all took a couple days. I was ready to go live within a week. I would have guessed that custom coding would have taken weeks or months, and thousands of dollars. Several to tens of thousands of dollars range.

We considered putting the tool online using Google Apps or Google Sheets and having certain parts of it hidden. We also considered putting it on SharePoint or some kind of online server. Our plan was to have some version of the spreadsheet, and the challenge was figuring out what the front-end would look like and how the user would interact with it. The reason why we choose SpreadsheetWeb was because the interface looked cleaner. It didn’t look like we just made a spreadsheet. From the perspective of the potential buyer, it appeared more like a tool and not like some spreadsheet which we would just give a copy of

Excel Web

We considered custom coding, but that would cost us several thousands of Euros. The initial model was going to be 6-7,000 Euros. We had to see whether the business model made sense. The custom code approach would have been too big of an investment for this. The license and fee structure of SpreadsheetWeb made this transition much easier, and save us money. Using SpreadsheetWeb, we were able to try out the tool, and avoid the initial development costs. Furthermore, the SpreadsheetWeb platform is very flexible. If we need to make any changes to the tool, it’s now in my hands to do just that. With custom coding, I would have to hire a web developer every time I needed to make an adjustment. In general, we are very happy with the solution and the service we have received.

Before deciding to go with SpreadsheetWeb, we compared it with other solutions. For creating our own custom coded app, we got a quote for around $80,000. There’s definitely a lot of savings there for going with SpreadsheetWeb. They did a really good job of making our tool look nice, and their team was very responsive.

I am not a programmer. We tried using various spreadsheet conversion tools, but couldn’t find the flexibility we were looking for. SpreadsheetWeb’s Designer module is very easy to use and flexible. At the beginning, I was a little concerned and I was trying to use the same concepts as in other tools we were using, where your file is moved completely to the web. We just needed to set it up at the beginning, but it’s much easier to use than other similar tools we’ve tried in the past. Moving the business logic was seamless.

I was impressed with how quickly and easily we could bring our reasonably sophisticated Excel models to a web format. I appreciated the samples that were demonstrated to us, and thought that they looked not only accurate, but also were aesthetically pleasing. This is very important to us, especially when we are delivering something to our clients. Looking at the quality of the work that we saw, that we would be comfortable working with Pagos to deliver a high quality, interactive application to our clients, and that our clients would be happy with the application that we gave to them. Just as care deeply about our own work that we build, we want to make sure that anything we are bringing them meets that high standard of quality. Given the research that we did, we thought we could deliver a customer-ready application in less than half the time and price with SpreadsheetWeb, versus doing it ourselves or hiring an interactive agency to build us a custom application.


We contacted several companies. When they saw our Excel workbook, they were intimidated by it. They wanted to take the challenge, but they were going to be learning on us. The lead time from the moment we would give them the project and going into production was going to be upwards of 6 to 8 months. Seeing what can be done on the SpreadsheetWeb website with robust Excel models – when translated into web applications – was eye-opening.

This was like going to the right doctor and getting prescribed the right medicine. The time value of money was the best return I’ve seen in terms of web development for this kind of a project. The Excel expertise, knowledge in web technologies, and flexibility of the SpreadsheetWeb team was extremely valuable. The speed at which the project was deployed and went live was impressive.

SpreadsheetWeb allowed us to create a web-based timesheet application with user management integration in a very short amount of time. Creating an application like this as a custom project from scratch would’ve taken months of development. The SpreadsheetWeb applications can export user data in the exact format we need to be able to push it into our payment system, while also allowing our managers to get their own special versions at the same time. We were also set everything up on our servers, keeping the data in-house.

SpreadsheetWeb Cloud

Achieve agility, lower costs, easy updates, reduced administration with SpreadsheetWeb cloud. We offer public and private (dedicated) options

AWS and Azure


Run SpreadsheetWeb on AWS or Azure. Go live in minutes with our machine images.

On Premise

Deploy SpreadsheetWeb on your internal IT infrastructure. Keep your sensitive spreadsheets and data in-house. Integrate with internal systems.

Microsoft Excel has always been a popular and compelling software application in business. It’s a default tool for many because spreadsheets are highly visual and easy to use. However, there comes a time when you have to step away from your comfort zone, especially when spreadsheets are starting to slow down your business. If you seek ways to upgrade your data management, we advise you to convert Excel to a web app.

Read on to learn more about:

The Benefits of Converting

Even though Excel has many use cases, spreadsheets can easily cause inconveniences due to one or two small mistakes. An errant input, an inconsistent data format, or an overwrite of a formula or logic can result in wasted time and financial implications worth millions or even billions of dollars.

So, how can turning spreadsheets into an app help you avoid their drawbacks?

Excel web browser

Keeping Track of Data

When you work with Excel spreadsheets, the chances are that most of your teammates are sending them around to share information. Often things get out of control, and you find yourself losing the latest version. You can’t keep track of who made changes. Moreover, these updates can end up damaging the core data and make the file unusable.

By moving your data from Excel to the web app, you’re enabling access to a limited number of users. That way, you assign them to specific data and fields. They can carry out their tasks simultaneously, without inadvertently corrupting the original spreadsheet.


Not encrypted Excel spreadsheets have a high risk of becoming a vast business vulnerability. Even though you can password protect them, the security is still low. Many third-party services can hack into your “protected” spreadsheets in no time. If you want to keep your data safe, then converting to a custom web application is the best option.

It will allow you to remove user access to the source file, encrypt the data, and keep it in your domain. Only users at the admin level can access it, so you preserve data integrity. You could even restrict access to any third parties or set an expiry date. After it runs out, your app is no longer available to any users.

Excel Is Difficult to Scale and Error-Prone

While Excel is a reliable place to store and manage data, it does not offer a database’s functionalities. It doesn’t support complex data types, nor relations between files and records or different data sets. It narrows the types of operations you can perform. Additionally, the software doesn’t allow for real-time multi-user input, making it difficult for teams to work together and take immediate action. As your files grow in size, they take forever to load. Therefore, the more data you have, the more time you need to get things done. Unlike web apps, which can be customized to restrict users’ views of specific data, spreadsheets expose formulas to everyone. It often leads to possible tampering and errors, intentional or otherwise.

Excel Webster

In contrast, an app offers your users the advantage of flexible and easy-to-access data. They can use data from a variety of sources, not just Excel.

No Need for Programming Skills

Unlike a custom software solution coded by hand, you don’t need any programming skills to turn Excel into a web app. If you wanted to develop an app that lets users perform different calculations, it could be time-consuming and costly. However, when you create these calculations in Excel and then convert them into the web app, you save time and money. You can mobilize data without switching your already existing system or files stored online.

Easy to Use

Free Online Excel App

Working with Excel on your mobile devices can be a bit cumbersome. A web app is always more straightforward to use than an Excel spreadsheet. You can access it anytime and anywhere. An extra benefit of having an application is that you can automatically perform updates to your entire network of users. With built-in email and push notifications, you can quickly notify users of changes and updates, improving your company’s communication.

How to Convert Excel to a Web App?

Before uploading the Excel spreadsheet into the App platform, you need to ensure that your file format is right. It will make the converting process more manageable and help you avoid any mistakes. Here are some things you might want to check before this process:

  • The consistency of headings. Your lists must contain titles at the top of the column. That way, the program can recognize the list as one and assign it proper values.
  • Do you have more sheets? If one of your files contains more sheets or fields outside the list space, you will need to create a separate file for that data. Doing this will prevent the possible flow interruption of the information.
  • Formatting of the cells. The better your source file is, the easier and faster you will convert it into an app. Check if the cells’ format is compatible with the values they display.

Excel Webservice

Once your file is ready, you can upload it and convert your spreadsheet into Kohezion. The app will allow you to change its preview or rearrange some elements. Group them as you wish, and even add new content using the app’s fields.

You’ll design and build your applications in the Builder tab. It contains standard data fields, such as:

  • Single-Line Text: This field is for short strings or phrases you wish to display on a single line, such as first names and last names.
  • Multi-Line Text: The multi-line text field is meant for longer text inputs. It can be useful for comments or any text that you want to add to your record that could take up more than one line.
  • Date and Time: In the Date field, you can choose to add single data input, date range, or set a default date value. You can even use it to calculate the age according to the date of birth you enter. You can do all this with time inputs as well. A great use of date/time range fields are appointments with a date, a start time, and an end time. They will be displayed in a calendar view in the workspace and the dashboard.
  • Dropdown: This field has excellent tools to categorize your data in a manner that is structured. It’s really helpful if you want to filter data quickly or plan on using pivot tables.
  • User List: The user list field allows you to assign one or multiple users to a record. It’s handy if you’re dealing with person-specific tasks, for example.
  • File: You can use the File field to upload and attach files to some records. It could be any type of file, such as an image, Word document, or a PDF file.
  • Calculation: In Kohezion, you can easily set calculations for your application with the Calculation field. It is a read-only field that will automatically populate when creating a record. To use it, you need at least two active Number fields in your application.
  • Record Link: If you want to create data relations, you can use a data relationship and even link to a different application.
  • Additional fields: There are more fields under the dropdown menu. They include the Header, ID, Link, Tree, Map, Time, Signature, Credit Card, and Description field.

Excel Spreadsheet Templates

You can drag and drop these data fields wherever you need them. If the default version of any field doesn’t suit you, choose to configure it. You can set their properties using the property grid on the right of the screen.

As you can see, with Kohezion, it is easy to design the web app to match your needs both visually and functionally. When you finish assigning the access levels to coworkers and enriching the content with all the data you own, you can publish your app. All users will be free to use the app whenever they need it, while the data stays protected to the extent that you want.


Whether you’re using Excel as a data storage or project tracking tool, you can convert it into a web app without having to know programming. Kohezion comes with many built-in features that will allow you to design the app to fulfill your every business need. All of this takes a minimal amount of time, and the simplicity or complexity of your final application depends solely on what you want.

Changing your spreadsheet into an app is not as costly as a custom software solution, either. It offers better security, and you don’t have to worry about the version of stored data. The updates will happen automatically, and cloud-based systems ensure that you never lose your data.

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