Overleaf Markdown

Would be very useful to have a live (auto-updated) bibtex file (as Mendeley offers) in Google Drive, to save having to re-export every time there is a change to the library. Also, would be great. Intended to help me creating tons os articles out of Markdown files, including the article meta-information (such as Title and Author) in a semi-transparent white box in a small cover background. This version (1.2) has the 'mobile' option (just uncomment it in main.tex to see it) to have an output more suitable for smartphones.

OverleafOverleaf insert markdown
  • 1spørgsmålstegn

    * * *
    F mark (el. note) of interrogation;
    (fig) call something in question, query something.

    Danish-English dictionary >spørgsmålstegn

  • 2spørgsmålstegn n <?> [også fig.]

    Dansk-engelsk ordbog mini >spørgsmålstegn n <?> [også fig.]

  • 3D-mark

    * * *

    Danish-English dictionary >D-mark

  • 4mark

    по́ле с; па́шня ж
    I.(en -)
    [5 mark] 5 marks.
    [slå af marken]
    [føre i marken]
    (mil.) bring into the field, muster;
    [gøre studier i marken] work in the field; do field work;
    (kricket) field.

    Danish-English dictionary >mark

  • 5D-mark fk <DM, DEM>

    Dansk-engelsk ordbog mini >D-mark fk <DM, DEM>

  • 6mark fk

    Dansk-engelsk ordbog mini >mark fk

  • 7rette

    amend, correct, emend, level, mark, right, put right
    (give retning) aim, turn,
    (se ndf: rette mod, rette til);
    (fejl) correct,
    (opgaver) correct,
    (am) grade;
    [ med præp & adv:]
    (gøre jævn) level off,
    [rette an] serve up,
    [der er rettet an] dinner (etc) is served;
    (mil.) (rækker) dress (the ranks),
    [ret ind til højre!] right dress!
    (sigte med våben) aim at,
    (mindre omhyggeligt) point at (el. towards) ( fx he aimed (,
    pointed) his gun at me; missiles aimed at Western Europe; with a loaded gun pointed towards me),
    (om kikkert, sigtemiddel) train on ( fx train the telescope (, the gun) on the tower),
    (om blik, gang) turn (, F: direct) towards ( fx turn one's glance
    (fig: opmærksomhed, tanker) turn (, F: direct) to ( fx turn one's thoughts to somebody; turn (, direct) one's (, somebody's) attention to the problem); focus on ( fx focus one's attention (, thoughts) on something);
    [der blev rettet alvorlige beskyldninger imod ham] serious charges were levelled against him, serious allegations were made against him;
    [kritikken var rettet mod mig] the criticism was aimed at me;
    (dvs bevidst) direct the suspicion towards him,
    (se også angreb);
    (bringe i lodret stilling, bringe på ret køl) right ( fx the boat);
    (om bil med hensyn til styring) put the wheel straight, straighten out;
    (kvikke op) pick up, set up ( fx a holiday will set you up);
    (moralsk) make somebody go straight;
    [rette økonomien op] put the finances on a sound basis;
    [rette på] adjust ( fx one's clothes, one's tie);
    [rette `til] adjust;
    (dvs stile til) address to,
    F direct to ( fx you must address (, direct) your complaints to the manager; his remarks were addressed (, directed) to the
    [rette en opfordring til] appeal to;
    [rette et spørgsmål til] address (el. put) a question to;
    F cancel the correction;
    [ med sig:]
    (rette ryggen) straighten (el. draw) oneself up,
    (blive rask) get better, recover,
    (om pris etc) recover;
    (adlyde) obey, conform to ( fx the rules),
    F comply with ( fx his instructions, his requests, the rules, his wishes),
    (lade sig lede af) be guided by ( fx him, his wishes), go by (
    fx he always goes by the rules; go by what he says; I need
    something to go by), go along with ( fx what he says, his
    (bestemmes af) be determined by ( fx his views are determined by his surroundings; wages are determined by qualifications),
    (tilpasses efter) be regulated by ( fx wages were regulated by the price index),
    [jeg må vide hvad jeg har at rette mig efter] I must know where I stand;
    (dvs adlyde ham) do as he tells one;
    F comply with his wishes;
    [mistanken rettede sig mod ham] suspicion centred on him, he came under suspicion;

    Danish-English dictionary >rette

  • 8side

    * * *
    (en -r) side ( fx of bacon; of the body; of a ship, of a house);
    (af bjerg) side, face;
    (af en sag) aspect, side ( fx look at all sides of the problem (, question));
    (parti) side ( fx whose side are you on? he is on our side);
    (kant, hold) quarter ( fx we cannot expect help from that quarter);
    [hans stærke (, svage) side] his strong (, weak) point;
    [en sag har altid to sider] there are two sides to every question;
    [ med præp:]
    [den juridiske side af sagen] the legal aspect of the matter;
    F from all quarters;
    (mil.) attack in the flank;
    [vi må se sagen fra begge sider] we must see both sides of the question;
    [jeg kender ham ikke fra den side] I have not seen that side of him; I do not know that side of his character;
    [vise sig fra sin bedste side] show oneself in the most favourable light,
    [bestræbelser fra hans side] endeavours on his part;
    [se det fra den humoristiske side] see the funny side of it;
    [fra hvilken side man end ser sagen] whichever way you look at it;
    (fig) looked on in that light;
    [se alt fra den lyse side] look on the bright side of everything;
    [køre i højre (, venstre) side] drive on the right (, left);
    [på side 5] on page 5;
    (også) overleaf ( fx continued overleaf);
    (fig) on the other hand;
    [men på den anden side er det ikke svært at] but then (el. then again) it is not difficult to;
    [på den ene side... på den anden (side)] on the one hand... on the other
    [én på siden af hovedet] a box on the ear;
    [på den forkerte (, rigtige) side af] on the wrong (, right) side of (
    fx of forty; get on the wrong side of him; keep on the right side of him (, of the law));
    [det kan ikke komme op på siden af]
    (fig) it can't compare with (el. to), it can't touch;
    [jeg på min side ønsker ikke at] speaking for myself, I don't want to;
    (se også II. lad, latter, lægge (sig), nederst, sikker, øverst);
    [hun så ikke til den side hvor han var] she did not so much as look at him; she ignored him completely;
    [til alle sider] in all directions ( fx scattered in all directions),
    (dvs på alle sider) on all sides ( fx surrounded on all sides by trees);
    [ved siden af] by the side of, beside;
    (foruden) besides ( fx he has a bookshop besides being a teacher);
    (i sammenligning med) in comparison with, compared with (el. to) ( fx
    (som bibeskæftigelse) on the side ( fx he had a night job on the side);
    [ved siden af mig] beside me, at (el. by) my side; next to me;
    [det er helt ved siden af] it is completely beside the point,
    (dvs forkert) it is wide of the mark ( fx the description is not wide of the mark);
    (i værelset ved siden af) in the next room;
    [værelset ved siden af] the next room;
    (fig) stand by somebody.

    Danish-English dictionary >side

  • 9særlig

    * * *
    adj special ( fx agreement; this is a special case; on special occasions; as a special favour; there is something special about it);
    (stærkere) particular ( fx of particular interest), specific ( fx
    tool, treatment, type; is there anything specific you would like to ask?);
    (ganske særlig) exceptional ( fx under exceptional circumstances);
    (netop denne (, dette)) particular ( fx in this particular case; on this particular occasion);
    (særskilt) separate ( fx a separate entrance; a separate pocket for cigarettes), distinct ( fx two distinct types);
    adv specially ( fx it was bought specially for you; he specially mentioned you; he was specially fond of you),
    (stærkere) particularly ( fx he particularly mentioned you; he was particularly fond of you; a particularly difficult question);
    (i særdeleshed, F) especially ( fx he is often away, especially on Saturdays; the British people, especially the Scots), in particular (
    [ganske særlig] exceptional ( fx circumstances);
    (= især) particularly;
    [have sine særlige grunde] have reasons of one's own;
    F none too ( fx good);
    [ikke noget særligt] nothing (in) particular, nothing special;
    [ikke af særlig vigtighed] of no particular importance.

    Danish-English dictionary >særlig

  • 10adgang

    входм; до́ступ м

    ádgang forbúdt — вход воспрещён

    access, admission, admittance, approach, entrance, entry
    (en -e)
    F admittance;
    (mulighed for at få, opnå etc) access ( fx access to books, easier access to abortion),
    (installationer etc der giver mulighed for) facilities ( fx for cooking, for golf and tennis);
    (vej til) access ( fx Switzerland has no access to the sea), approach
    ( fx the only approach to the house); entrance ( fx entrance is by the side door);
    (tilladelse til at tale med) access ( fx he has access to the minister);
    (uvedkommende) No Admittance (except on Business), Private,
    (til skov, mark etc) Private, Trespassers will be Prosecuted;
    [forbyde ham adgang] refuse to let him in (el. to admit him),
    [forbyde ham adgang til] refuse him admittance to, refuse to admit him to;
    [have (, give ham) fri adgang til haven] have (, give him) the run of the garden;
    F obtain admission (til to);
    [give adgang til] admit to, give access to;
    [denne eksamen giver adgang til] this examination (,degree) qualifies the holder for;
    [kortet giver adgang til] the card admits the holder to;
    [betaling af 50 pence giver adgang til] on payment of 50 p. visitors are admitted to;
    [med adgang til køkken] with use of kitchen.

    Danish-English dictionary >adgang

  • 11afhøre

    * * *
    (vidne også) hear,
    (om politiet) interrogate, take statements from; question ( fx a man is being questioned by the police).

    Danish-English dictionary >afhøre

  • 12afmærke

    * * *
    (med mærkesedler etc) label;
    (mar) buoy ( fx a wreck);

    Danish-English dictionary >afmærke

  • 13afparere

    F parry ( fx a blow; a question).

    Danish-English dictionary >afparere

  • 14afstikke

    (område) mark out,
    F delimit;
    (fig) lay down ( fx guidelines);
    [afstikke græskanterne] trim the edges (of a lawn).

    Danish-English dictionary >afstikke

  • 15afstribe

    (om vej) mark with (white) lines.

    Danish-English dictionary >afstribe

  • 16afsætte

    1) сбыва́ть (товар)
    3) сверга́ть
    cashier, depose, spare
    (afskedige) dismiss, remove;
    (aflejre) deposit;
    (reservere) set aside, earmark ( fx a sum of money for something);
    (aftegne efter opmåling) lay down, mark out,
    (passagerer) drop, put down;
    (varer) dispose of, find a sale (el. market) for;
    [få sin datter afsat] get one's daughter off (one's hands), marry off one's daughter;
    (aflejres) be deposited.

    Danish-English dictionary >afsætte

  • 17anmærkning

    1) примеча́ние с; замеча́ние с
    * * *
    * * *
    (i skole) bad mark ( fx give a pupil a bad mark).

    Danish-English dictionary >anmærkning

  • 18bedømme

    суди́ть; оце́нивать
    evaluate, gradation, judge
    * judge (efter by);
    (skønne) estimate (til (at være) at, fx I estimated his age at 30);
    (skoleopgave) mark,

    Danish-English dictionary >bedømme

  • 19belyse

    1) освеща́ть
    * * *
    * * *
    (oplyse) light (up),
    (fot) expose;
    (ved eksempler) illustrate ( fx the use of a word);
    [belyse noget kritisk] subject something to a critical examination;
    [belyse spørgsmålet fra alle sider] look at all sides of the question;

    Danish-English dictionary >belyse

  • 20betegne

    1) обознача́ть
    * * *
    * * *
    (afmærke, angive) indicate, mark ( fx a cross marks the place where it is),
    (betyde) denote ( fx X denotes an unknown quantity), stand for ( fx
    (være et tegn på, markere) mark ( fx this event marks a new phase);
    (se også betegnende).

    Danish-English dictionary >betegne

Overleaf Markdown Meaning

См. также в других словарях:

  • question mark — ˈquestion mark noun [countable] a question mark over if there is a question mark over something, there is a possibility that it will not be successful or will not continue to exist: • There is a big question mark over the bank s long term future … Financial and business terms

  • question mark — 1. The principal use of the question mark (?) is to indicate a direct question: Are they leaving tomorrow? / What time is it? It is also used when the question is put in the form of a statement: They told you that? / Surely it s the same one? / I … Modern English usage

  • question mark — n 1.) the mark (?) that is used at the end of a question 2.) there is a question mark over sth/a question mark hangs over sth used to say that there is a possibility that something will not be successful or will not continue to exist ▪ A big… … Dictionary of contemporary English

  • question mark — question marks 1) N COUNT A question mark is the punctuation mark ? which is used in writing at the end of a question. 2) N COUNT: oft N over n If there is doubt or uncertainty about something, you can say that there is a question mark over it.… … English dictionary

  • question mark — question ,mark noun count * the symbol ? that is used at the end of a sentence to show that it represents a question. It is a type of punctuation mark. a question mark over something a doubt about whether something is good or correct, or whether… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • question mark — n. 1. a mark of punctuation (?) put after a sentence, word, etc. to indicate a direct question, and also used to express doubt, uncertainty, etc.; interrogation mark ☆ 2. an unknown factor … English World dictionary

  • question mark — ► NOUN ▪ a punctuation mark (?) indicating a question … English terms dictionary

  • Question Mark — [engl.], Fragezeichen … Universal-Lexikon

  • Question mark — ? redirects here. For other uses, see Question mark (disambiguation). For the backwards or mirrored question mark used to indicate irony or sarcasm, see percontation point. For Wikipedia s help pages, see Help:Contents ? Question mark … Wikipedia

  • question mark — has become an overworked embellishment of the expression a question hanging over, which is itself wearyingly overused. Consider: The case... has raised a question mark over the competence of British security (The Times). Would you say of a happy … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors

  • question mark — has become an overworked embellishment of the expression a question hanging over, which is itself weary ingly overused. Consider: The case . . . has raised a question mark over the competence of British security (Times). Would you say of a… … Dictionary of troublesome word


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  • High-Performance Managed Futures. The New Way to Diversify Your Portfolio, Mark Melin H.. A provocative and insightful look at using managed futures to diversify investment portfolios Financial advisors have long ignored managed futures. Yet, in the past thirty years, managed… ПодробнееКупить за 2926.78 рубэлектронная книга
  • FCE Testbuilder (+ 2 CD-ROM), Mark Harrison. FCE Testbuilder is designed to improve exam performance and increase language competence for success in the FCE examination. Students can practise exam-style questions paper-by-paper. The… ПодробнееКупить за 2389 руб
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